these past few days have been really warm. they remind me of my younger days in my mum's garden or at my grand parents secret garden. i've spent a lot of time at alex's grand parents house lately, lazing in the sun in the garden, playing with the cats, taking trips to the beach & thinking about life. i seem to have a bad case of insomnia which also gives me a lot of time to let my mind wander. i only struggle for sleep when i feel alone. my mind goes in to over drive and i stay awake, day dreaming. i've found when i sleep alone, i tend to have restless nightmares.
i guess somewhere subconsciously i feel safe knowing there is somebody next to me. its the only time i can rest my body long enough to dream. those nights are bliss.
the nights i'm alone? well this is one of them, where i lay cuddling my teddy eric until my eyes become so heavy they finally fall shut. its a hot night tonight even though the day was breezy, which makes sleep seem even more unreachable. my window is open & my legs are hanging freely down the side of the bed searching for cool air. for now i'll just pray for time to fly until another day.
morning sun rays on our pillow cases
lily napping on the tiles on a warm day
jessie - a cat who likes her own space, but loves the camera
pretty fairy lights in my bedroom
(bad photo I know..)
photos in this post were taken with an iphone & ipod!